Our Time in the Andes

Back from Cuzco and Machu Picchu. What an amazing, though physically challenging, trek through the Andes Mountains. Everyone made it, though, and it is surely an accomplishment none of us will forget. Almost 15,000 feet at one point! Below are some pictures from the trip; but first here to tell you about is Peru Crew member Abigail Stopczynski:

So, three days hiking in the Andes was not an easy feat. Even some of the most experienced hikers on this trek had some difficulty. At 15,000 feet above sea level, breathing was a hard task. When the elevation wasn´t taking our breath away, the views were. Snow capped mountains, llamas, alpacas, and so much more were surrounding us. The only way to truly explain how beautiful the sites were are to see the pictures we will post very soon. In a way, this was a trip of firsts for many of us: first time hiking, first time camping, first time without a "real" bathroom, and my first time riding a horse. Although it was extremely trying, the end result (Machu Pichu) was incredible. It´s hard to believe that it is still standing after hundreds of years. Anyways, the pictures will be able to tell the rest.


Anonymous said...

(Please pass this message on to Steve) I am glad that everyone is having an amazing time, but also glad that you will be back in a few days. When you get back to the states, please call me for a ride (yes, even at four in the morning). I was packing up your room yesterday and believe you me, your parents need their rest!!! Don't forget to take lots of pictures and bring something back for Mrs. P. We love you and miss you!!
Abby D.
PS Scottie fixed my car, we owe him! :)

Anonymous said...

Chris we are so proud of you and we can not wait to see the rest of all the pictures. You and your Holy Cross team have just completed an amazing journey. Many people wait a lifetime and never see such beauty.
Love You so much
M & D & S & J

Anonymous said...

Chris, we are enjoying the comments and pictures. I've shared the information with Nana and the rest of the family.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I didn't know that it was just challenging! I thought it was hard. See you next week.


Anonymous said...

Inquiring minds want to know...has anyone ridden a Llama or eaten guinea pig yet?

mosalher said...

ok.... only for said, people thanks for coming to peru was a wonderfull time ;)... will see soon, weel i hope that!!!

Moises Heredia

Anonymous said...

Great work.