We are now back from Machu Picchu, an ancient city of the Incas and one of the wonders of the world. We returned today for one final week in Lima. We still have much to see and do. Tonight we are learning various Peruvian dances that we will see tomorrow night at a cultural show. Then we will visit downtown Lima and the homes where St. Martin de Porres and St. Rose of Lima lived. Then next week we do our last 3 days of work with the poor here, and then home.

Sorry I have not been able to post pictures from my camera, but you can see plenty of pictures (as in 1,000 plus) by going to the download site of one of the studentss on the trip, Charlie Castiglia. The address is:
At this blog, he has also kept a journal.

Okay, we may do one more update (the days are full and not much time seems left for these updates) before we head home.

Okay, adios,
Professor Griffin


Okay, so every few days one of the members of our trip will be posting some news on how things are going. And tonight, after day 2 our adventure, here is trip member Nic Kovatch:

We are still here safe and sound. We had a fun day today. We started working on the project up at the one Chapel in Bethelham. We got to visit some of the main chapels today in the Parish that we are apart of. We also got to go to a place called Metro, which is like walmart. While we were there we also went next door to Mcdonalds. The weird thing it i ordered chicken, and i litterally got fried chicken. It was weird, i got a breast and a leg. It was also cool because there were some local kids that sold us some candy. It was really cool because one of the kids started quizzing me on my colors in spanish, she was really cute, on the ride back we made the joke that she was mi hermanita. Oh, and we are going to watch the Dark Knight here sometime, this is like the world capitol for bootleg videos. So i am going to get to see the movie for dirt cheap. We only paid like 70 cents for it.



This year's trip will be from July 24 until August 14. Below you can find some actual posts that we made while on the trip last summer. And on the right side of this blog you can find out some general info on this amazing trip!
last year's group at Machu Picchu